
Monday, June 6, 2011

Herb cypress

Cypress evergreen tree reaches a height of 30 meters of dark green leaves minute male and female cones, a slow growth.
Plant known scientific name Cupressus sempervirens
And parts of the plant used cones and twigs and essential oil.
Original home of the cypress:
And his native Turkey and frequently in temperate climates, especially in Egypt in the Sinai Peninsula around the Monastery of St. Kavtrin and the Delta region. It is also now cultivated in all countries of the Mediterranean basin.
The chemical components:
Twigs contain the volatile oil and includes Albainin Alcamvin and Alsiderol and cones contain acid tannins.
What did he say about ancient medicine?
The Greeks used the cones mashed and soaked in alcohol for the treatment of dysentery, coughing and spitting blood, asthma and cough.
The scientists found some of the wood of this plant family from the reign of the sixth and twelfth dynasty in ancient Egypt. Are incised trees Aserually the external walls of the temple of Ramses III at Karnak, where the plant sacred and cypress trees still grow in the Arab Republic of Egypt, called Christians on this type of plant, "sad tree" focused sadness and decoration of the graves. He knew the Pharaohs two types of cypress is called the first and second c.sempervinens taxus baccata is believed that the ship Prophet Noah was made of cypress wood.
The Pharaohs used leaf cypress in the several purposes of the most important and ancient Pharaonic described hair dye and was used after crushing plant roots and Jnha vinegar and then placed on the hair of the head in the form of spray to invigorate and Bbagth.
And Ibn Sina in Cypress "go vitiligo, blackish hair.
Paper with fresh walnuts and sycamores ligature of the hernia, if done, if it may cypress nuts with chopped figs and make him a fuse in the nose healed meat overload. Cooking vinegar lives toothache, tumors of useful eye dressings, nut drink of breathlessness and lack of erection and for the benefit of chronic cough, dysuria, and intestinal ulcers and stomach. "
But David of Antioch in his ticket, said: "gumma welded surgeon and trap blood never dries and sores where they are, analyze and demonstrate the effects of tumors, especially Barhi Talaoua and drink. Gargle warm Btbejh live toothaches and gum sores and pull Rkhautea. Soft fruit draws the eyelids and welded hernia meat and dressings. Expels odors, vermin, if kneading and licking honey healed chronic cough and the forces of the stomach. Gumma cut hemorrhoids. If cooking sheet with Phyllanthus fruit with water and vinegar until Ithry then cook it in fat and plating Souda and the hair length and prevent hair loss. With the bitter fit the bladder and prevent urine in bed. "
The Ibn Al-Bitar at the University says "paper of this plant and his branches and nut as long as the soft soft wilt surgery adult episode in solids, is also used in healing Ember Vijtaiwnh either with barley and water or vinegar mixed with broken water mixture. If drinking and paper powder paint and a little bit of bitter benefit bladder draining into them curiosity and dysuria. "
What did he say about modern medicine?
- Modern medicine says that when he placed externally cypress lotion or essential oil occurs Tqda for varicose veins and hemorrhoids and narrows blood vessels. And uses the whirlpool of the cones of the feet to be cleaned and anti-hyperhidrosis, and when taken internally works cypress anti-spasm and nourishing and restorative years and prescribed for whooping cough and spitting blood and coughing spastic According to this treatment and also Alanfolenza colds and sore throats.
Prepared from the powder and paper dose of up to 4 grams for the treatment of chest pain and cough, it will also attend the cast of which is used between 20 to 40 points.
Cypress, gum welded wounds well and stop the bleeding.
Is there damage to cypress?
- Yes, do not take essential oil internally at all


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