
Monday, June 6, 2011


Ammi municipal or medical and Ammi Ammi visnaga diabolical known as Ammi majus, both of one species. As they Nbatan Shabian Holian and famous Arab Republic of Egypt and these plants were grown commercially in the municipal and Ammi called Balkhalp medical effects of the expanded ureter kidney stones come out. As it expands blood vessels and the airways and be used against angina and asthma.
And there are product on the market known as Jelin is used for this purpose. The close friendship Satanic contains a two-vehicle contrary to the trait of medical and used widely for the treatment of leprosy and by much research in this area and both types are sold in shops Attar
Ammi Medical is a herbaceous plant around me does not exceed a height of 50 cm has the fruits of the vehicle, and his native North Africa and the Middle East and the country's Mediterranean and is cultivated in Australia and South America contains the plant Ammi Municipal Jelin by 1% Vznagen and Akhlul Gelokoside and volatile oil by 2.0 % and flavonoids and Sterolat, I have used plant close friendship of several centuries in order to reduce the pain of renal colic and out kidney stones through its effect on the expansion of the ureter, and this is the plant from plants constitutional in most of the constitutions of the global pharmaceutical and the most important effects that anti-shrinkage and anti-asthma and calming.
We have had researchers Egyptians in the Department of Pharmacology do research on my boat Alkhlin and Alveznagen on pulmonary and coronary vessels in the heart and the urinary tract and found that these compounds affect a distinct expansion of the airways as well as the coronary vessels and the expansion of the ureter and is Alkhlin of asthma medications known and considered Ammi treatment popularly in Egypt against the kidney stone has been mentioned to use and log on papyrus of the term of 1500 years BC and still in use from that time to this day and is one of the most successful recipes to get kidney stones, and in Spain is the close friendship of the most materials used to clean teeth and cleaned. Should not be used before the close friendship of the patients who use blood thinners or expanders blood vessels only after consulting a specialist doctor.
Ammi means asking about the usefulness of close friendship in the treatment of kidney and urinary tract, and whether it harms or side effects on other diseases such as diabetes, pressure, etc.? .. The fruits of Ammi medical based on expanding the ureter and out of kidney stones on this path, but must not be understood that the close friendship is a cure for kidney disease are only out the stones, and there is the trait collateral damage, but the patients who use anti-angina, non-use of close friendship, as far as sugar and pressure, there is no conflict.
(Ammi) *
Mr. Mohammed Khalifa civil Mecca asking about how to tell Ammi municipal and how to use them, for example, water is heated or eaten?
Is found at the spice dealers and if you want to buy the original type, you can request from Sheikh Attarine Arab Republic of Egypt, where is the best one sells and the reason that there is another type known Balkhalp Satanism is very close in form of close friendship Municipal Either way the use of close friendship they fill one teaspoon of powder Ammi municipal and boil fill a glass with water for ten minutes and then cooled and filtered and drink twice a day before eating for a week.
Knight: Alokhalp - sowing Ammi - Ammi Visnaga
Ammi plant belongs to the family Aljimp, which grows wild in the land of neglected and vulnerable, and leg swell the list of contract spaced and composed many sections, the solid green lines are smooth and clear, and the flowers, tent assembly.
Ammi municipal or medical Ammi visnaga
Ammi Medical is a herbaceous plant around me does not exceed a height of 50 cm has the fruits of the vehicle, and his native North Africa and the Middle East and the country's Mediterranean and is cultivated in Australia and South America contains the plant Ammi Municipal Jelin by 1% Vznagen and Akhlul Gelokoside and volatile oil by 2.0 % and flavonoids and Sterolat, I have used plant close friendship of several centuries in order to reduce the pain of renal colic and out kidney stones through its effect on the expansion of the ureter, and this is the plant from plants constitutional in most of the constitutions of the global pharmaceutical and the most important effects that anti-shrinkage and anti-asthma and calming.
Plant Ammi (Visnage) there Ammi Municipal (Ammi Visnaga) and Ammi satanic (Ammi Majus), Valkhalp municipal contains material Alkhlin (Khellin) that reduce the contractions of muscles of the ureter and help Artkhaiha Vetosah thereby preventing friction walls Balhsop in it "leads breadth of the ureter to the passage of small-sized kidney stone to the bladder, in addition to the boiling Ammi municipal uses as a diuretic (Diuretic) As for the close friendship is satanic: it contains a substance Alkhlin but contains a substance Omoiden (Ammoidin) that are used in the treatment of vitiligo (Leucodermia).
Those are the vegetables were in fact two different types of the same sex, it is difficult for ordinary people to differentiate between them stemmed from the similarity errors affect health.
* The active substance in the composition of the substance "Alkhlin" also contains ethylene and Veznagen Akhlul.
* Native basin and the Nile Valley, and is cultivated in Algeria and Morocco and Lebanon.
* Ammi seeds used to treat angina, heart attacks, pain relief and hepatic alkaline.
* The making of Ammi newly extracts useful in diuresis and lithotripsy, which is found in pharmacies in the form of vehicles.
* Ammi seeds contain essential oils; must move away from boiling water and sufficient drinking Menkuaha.
And there was a "close friendship is satanic," which are similar to regular Ammi, medical research has demonstrated its effectiveness in the treatment of vitiligo handling seed powder with exposure to the sun an hour or two a day.
Ammi Municipal:Ammi fruits grow in the tropics and has many uses, including:- Helps to relax all types of smooth muscle in all parts of the body, including heart muscle, lung, kidney, intestine, ureter, gall bladder and arteries, so it is used in the reduction of asthma popular and as an antidote to colic and renal bile and inflammation of the ureter is also used to ease intestinal disorders.- Drenched close friendship helps to get rid of kidney stones as it is a strong antiseptic for urinary tract.- Extended strong for coronary artery to prevent the disease from angina pectoris and heart stroke.- Used on the subject of close friendship boiled honey and Nigella sativa oil in the treatment of diseases (cancer of the skin, hair loss, fungal, vitiligo, psoriasis, skin)


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