
Monday, June 6, 2011

The best ways to treat acne

Acne Treatment - Best Acne TreatmentsAt first the duty of every person goes through in adolescence to know that the appearance of acne at this stage of life is normal. So you need to deal with these pills, quietly and patiently to avoid treatment and its effects. Before the start of the remembrance of methods of treatment, we must understand the following facts: - The maintenance on the sterilization of skin exposed to air pollutants is the first step for treatment.- Refrain from touching and playing that grain output of what the white substance, because this leads to increase the number of grains, leaving a trace after the disappearance of grain itself.- In adulthood begin hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin Vtkther fatty secretions that cause clogged pores of the skin...

The best ways to treat baldness

Baldness treatment - the best ways to treat baldnessFactors affecting the growth of hair: 1 - Cut HairMany believe that cutting hair growth helps, but this in fact is not true Vakas does not stimulate hair growth does not change the nature, but only affects the outer part of the hair, a leg and can increase the density of the crust in the outer layer of hair leading to hair thickness. 2 - GenderThe most prolific hair in women, while increasing body hair in men. 3 - strainIggsr hair in some races and races such as the Caucasus, at least with others such as the peoples of the East Asyaz 4 - hormonesThere are some hormones increase hair growth and further adds to the body hair, namely:- Thyroid hormone: deficiency leads to a lack of developing follicles and appears shiny hair high, and falling...

The best ways to treat hoarseness

Treatment of hoarseness - the best ways to treat hoarseness Home treatment for hoarseness caused by inflammation of the throat or false drinks safe 1 - drink cinnamon and mint: Boil cinnamon and mint their papers or in the water, then drain and drink the cup of morning and evening cup. 2 - grape juice: Drink natural juice in the morning before eating. 3 - drink milk, honey and butter: Boil one teaspoon of milk in a cup of water, then add honey to sweeten natural and add one tablespoon butter to enhance its effectiveness, and drink a cup of morning and evening cup. 4 - natural lemon juice drink: It is considered one of the most effective in the treatment of beverages such cases. 5 - Gargle cabbage local honey: Cut cabbage leaves are then multiplied in a blender with a...


Galangal is a small herbaceous plant Muammar height of up to about two meters has large leaves, with white flowers and red, is characterized by small Galangal smell fresh and spicy taste. There are of Galangal several species such as Galangal small or what is known Balaini and Galangal white and Galangal big or red, and there are other types used only for decoration to the beauty of flowers and the sustainability of green, some of these species used to make writing paper and others are eaten legs or cook. Galangal and small, known scientifically as Alpinia officinarum Alzenjpelep zingiberaceae of the platoon is the type medical. Part of the plant used by Jmamirh Rhizomes somewhat similar to the plant crowns Saad, a reddish-colored sheaths pale and covered with a large scar tissue...


Ammi municipal or medical and Ammi Ammi visnaga diabolical known as Ammi majus, both of one species. As they Nbatan Shabian Holian and famous Arab Republic of Egypt and these plants were grown commercially in the municipal and Ammi called Balkhalp medical effects of the expanded ureter kidney stones come out. As it expands blood vessels and the airways and be used against angina and asthma. And there are product on the market known as Jelin is used for this purpose. The close friendship Satanic contains a two-vehicle contrary to the trait of medical and used widely for the treatment of leprosy and by much research in this area and both types are sold in shops Attar Ammi Medical is a herbaceous plant around me does not exceed a height of 50 cm has the fruits of the vehicle, and his...

the Cactus

A genus of desert plants of the kinds of herbal species irrigated with sewage water or long-lived tree, And many kinds of cacti, including: regular cactus, cactus and the African, Asian and cactus .. Installed and medical benefits and uses: Cactus contains 12.8% of sugar and acids, apple pectin and tannin And the 1% of the protein, and contains calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and C ... Use the juice leaves of the plants of the cactus in the treatment of various liver diseases and eye diseases .. Also used in fresh paint skin skin burning from direct sunlight during Altsiev On the shores of the Sea to ease the pain of treatment, is also used in helping to speed the healing of wounds Different treatment of certain skin diseases, and use of women in skin hydration and smoothness of...

Herb cypress

Cypress evergreen tree reaches a height of 30 meters of dark green leaves minute male and female cones, a slow growth. Plant known scientific name Cupressus sempervirens And parts of the plant used cones and twigs and essential oil. Original home of the cypress: And his native Turkey and frequently in temperate climates, especially in Egypt in the Sinai Peninsula around the Monastery of St. Kavtrin and the Delta region. It is also now cultivated in all countries of the Mediterranean basin. The chemical components: Twigs contain the volatile oil and includes Albainin Alcamvin and Alsiderol and cones contain acid tannins. What did he say about ancient medicine? The Greeks used the cones mashed and soaked in alcohol for the treatment of dysentery, coughing and spitting blood, asthma and...

Herb ace

Ace plant a small evergreen shrubs often grow in humid and shady places. The plant branches bear leaves many close Leather textures with aromatic scent. Branches bearing white flowers in colors to pink and has the fruits of black pulp eaten at maturity and become one of the dried spices. A plant evergreen tree breeding and seed the mind known by other names such as Hmpelas, Mersin, basil and basil, but not known to us. To Las several popular names is defined Balfronip on behalf of Khet AS and this means "basil graves" and is known in Greek as "Omuser" and Latin "sociable" and Persian "Marzbaj", Syriac "Hoosen," and Hebrew "Akhmam" and Arab "basil" In Egypt, "Mersin" In the Levant " Gardener, "and" Stop and See ", and the wild type in Greek" Mercy Ogharba "In Yemen," Hades "and Hlmos...

Alternative medicine for the treatment of gingivitis

Treatment of gingivitis and mouth blisters alternative medicine: As a result of bacterial infection or bacteria that enter the mouth may occur gum infections and oral cavity, and the treatment of these infections is recommended the following action: - gargling mouth Pegrgrp cumin, anise and vinegar: And attend as follows: Add the amount of powder, cumin, anise vinegar to dilute the composition mix fit for gargling - gargling the mouth with a solution of salt Talm - Drink green tea: Studies have shown that green tea contains polyphenols compounds that work as a disinfectant of the mouth and teeth, it also stops the growth and activity of bacteria in the mouth, causing tooth decay. - Drinking orange and lemon juices: It has a great impact in healing the wounds and kill microb...

Alternative medicine for the treatment of dental pain

Lage dental pain alternative medicine Teath Ache: The toothache of the most pain is the patient, and result from the decay of some teeth or as a result of dislocation of age or pain caused by nerve nourishing her, and Stekin this pain is recommended the following: - Rinsing Bmgli cinnamon (Dar Chinese): it lives in pain rapidly, soak two tablespoons of Cinnamon powder in a cup of boiling water and then drink soaked, and have a drink with cinnamon small amounts at first to perceive the receptivity of the body have, especially when you are pregnant because they show their sensitivity to her and not eating a tablespoon or two tablespoons of syrup with cinnamon before eating or in the morning - clove oil: the carnation importance Great in relief of pain and so it is advisable to drink boiled...

Alternative medicine for the treatment of sunburn

Ranging between sunburn and skin redness and swelling and slight pain empyesis serious Accompanied by minor burns that lead to reddening of the skin itching and slight pain, then appear after several days of cobalt on the surface of the skin. Burns resulting from excessive exposure to sunlight exposure, especially when shock for a long time, may lead to blisters containing yellow viscous liquid, and when Tnfiqie leave painful exfoliation May cause burns, severe nausea, chills and high warm more than to hurt the skin In this case be placed on burns compresses the signal and have a lot of drinking water and juice to prevent dryness As a result of severe burns injuries metabolic Leather Ketbther lip and skin cancer For the prevention of sunburn: in order to preserve skin health and...

And alternative medicine constipation

Constipation is defecation in times far apart and are harmless and non-regular, where the patient de every few days, only once, and the reasons for this type of disease, the magnitude of the colon due to congenital, lack of vitamins especially vitamin (B), taking certain medications such as cough medicines and tablets that contain calcium, bad psychological situation, hemorrhoids, fear of the output and not to defecate on a regular basis, and we should point out that the issue of constipation is linked to several factors, including motor activity, the amount of liquids, food quality, in addition to psychological factors, that all these factors related to the amount of fecal matter and nature, People who eat whole grains, vegetables, fruits and liquids in adequate quantities are...

Alternative Medicine and the benefits of green tea

Green tea health benefits green tea made from the best drink ever in terms of health, and benefits: 1 - helps burn fat. 2 - helps to speed up the metabolism; because its anti-oxidant helps the liver to function more effectively. 3 - that drinking green tea three times a day burn 200 extra calories a day. 4 - also found people who drink green tea that energy have been strengthened significantly, and moreover that green tea reduces the level of sugar in the blood, which is responsible for the storage of glucose as fat, and therefore reduce the sugar levels also reduce the level of fat stored in the body. 5 - protects the heart from disease. 6 - reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood; because the effects of anti-oxidant to prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries Ldl. 7...

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