
Monday, June 6, 2011

The best ways to treat acne

Acne Treatment - Best Acne TreatmentsAt first the duty of every person goes through in adolescence to know that the appearance of acne at this stage of life is normal. So you need to deal with these pills, quietly and patiently to avoid treatment and its effects.
Before the start of the remembrance of methods of treatment, we must understand the following facts:
- The maintenance on the sterilization of skin exposed to air pollutants is the first step for treatment.- Refrain from touching and playing that grain output of what the white substance, because this leads to increase the number of grains, leaving a trace after the disappearance of grain itself.- In adulthood begin hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin Vtkther fatty secretions that cause clogged pores of the skin and with the presence of dead skin cells formed protrusions of Foreign Affairs on the skin with black heads sometimes and sometimes open the pores; which allows bacteria to enter and result in the pollution appears that grain
Acne Treatment:
- Mixing milk with water when washing the face, it helps to sterilize the skin and prevent the emergence of a new grain.- The use of paper and eucalyptus plant, as it is one of the sterile material for the skin:By putting boiling water on paper, camphor and coverage for a period of 3-4 hours and then filtered with a piece of gauze and then mixed with a little natural apple cider vinegar and place it in the refrigerator and wash skin tags every day.
- Using the yeast helps to prevent the emergence of grain to contain the vitamin "B" is very important for the skin so try eating 3 tablespoons of yeast (a yeast bread or yeast kneaded Medical) with a glass of milk a day
- The use of cocktails to nourish and lighten the skin:
A - Beauty Collection:Consists of the islands and parsley, plus lemon juice.Note: The pressed juice mixture through the islands.
B - Collection of vegetables:Consists of spinach and parsley, then add the orange juice
C - Collection islands:Consists of carrot juice, orange juice and add the ginger sometimes.
D - Collection option:Consisting of cucumber juice and add the lemon juiceThis cocktail is useful fatty skinned women in particular.
- Avoid anxiety and stress because it will increase the grain.
- Avoid cosmetics in this particular period.
- Avoid washing with soap and replace it with ordinary soap or children's medical soap.
- If you are still traces of the pills you can use creams peeled after consulting a doctor.
- Address some of the herbs Kahalbp watercress and also a lot of onions and garlic.
- Avoid use of oils and creams for hair because it has an indirect effect on acne
- Eating a balanced diet contains all the essential elements needed by the body, namely: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals of different taking into account the reduction of fat and carbohydrates and sugars, chocolate, nuts and pulp of Sudan and the cream,
Sources of the essential elements:
Protein of two types:- Animal protein: It is located in the meat of all kinds.- Vegetable protein: for example, is located in the beans, and soybeans.
Carbohydrates: They are available in rice, pasta, bread, and others.
Fat: There are associated with the meat or meat found in margarine and oils.
Vitamins: very abundant in fruits and vegetables of all kinds.
Metal:- Iron: Available in black honey, dates, and liver, eggplant, and spinach.- Calcium: of course, available in milk, all dairy products like cheese and yogurt.- Magnesium and phosphorus: are available in seafood such as fish and shrimp.
These are all the body needs on a daily basis, and we have taken a neutral and balanced.
- The use of masks that can be prepared at home:
A - Mask Paper cabbage: are boiled hard, and then taken into water boiling, and used Kgsayl face on the regions of grain and pimples; by using a piece of cotton wet with this washing machine, and passed on the face, and can be saved in the refrigerator to be used more than once, and this washing lead to the elimination of warts.B - Mask of garlic: that after being cut into small pieces, and place it on the pimples or grain, and although it hurts a bit but it gives a very good result, and is used twice daily, morning and evening.
C - Chamomile mask: the grip of a small plant chamomile are added to two cups of hot water to boiling for 20 minutes, then drain, and the staining fluid warts twice a day.
D - Mask of islands: Sign Ptbshir islands without peeling with the addition of lemon for half an hour, and place it on the skin, which gives the skin color of purity and Nira, and removes all the wrinkles and warts, and eliminates impurities that riding oily skin.
E - Mask of pomegranate: a cup of pomegranate juice + teaspoon of vinegar, and smearing this mix warts several times a day.

The best ways to treat baldness

Baldness treatment - the best ways to treat baldnessFactors affecting the growth of hair:
1 - Cut HairMany believe that cutting hair growth helps, but this in fact is not true Vakas does not stimulate hair growth does not change the nature, but only affects the outer part of the hair, a leg and can increase the density of the crust in the outer layer of hair leading to hair thickness.
2 - GenderThe most prolific hair in women, while increasing body hair in men.
3 - strainIggsr hair in some races and races such as the Caucasus, at least with others such as the peoples of the East Asyaz
4 - hormonesThere are some hormones increase hair growth and further adds to the body hair, namely:- Thyroid hormone: deficiency leads to a lack of developing follicles and appears shiny hair high, and falling fast.- Pituitary gland hormone: causes the increase of this hormone to hair loss and increased body hair.- Adrenal hormone: hormone leads to increase to increase the growth of body hair.- Note hormones (testosterone): increase and cause increased facial hair and body.
5 - Massage:The light massage of the scalp, stimulates circulation and thus the hair follicles deep massage that can harm the bulbs.
6 - Nutrition:The useful balanced nutrition for the body and hair in general, contrary to malnutrition that can lead to hair loss
7 - Stress:Adversely affect the psychological pressure on the growth of hair and an example of the emergence of alopecia (an area on the scalp free of hair).
8 - Drugs:There are some medications increase the density of the hair and the other less,.
9 - Chronic diseases:Weaken some of the chronic diseases of the hair growth such as heart disease and kidney failure.
Hair LossCan be hair loss, temporarily or permanently.
First: the temporary hair loss:There are many reasons for hair loss is very temporary, including:
1 - anemia and iron deficiency:Can increase hair loss anemia in a clear and significant, and the hair usually returns to normal after treatment.
2 - exposure to psychological pressure and health:Such as some surgical procedures or injury severe disease or exposure to some psychological problems, they may be falling hair profusely after exposure to such conditions and hair back to normal after getting rid of these problems, it can also falling hair from a specific region of the scalp or beard when men, and hair back to normal after a period of time.
3 - disruption of hormones:This can occur during pregnancy and childbirth Viggsr hair during pregnancy because of increased female hormones and flaking after birth when the low level of these hormones suddenly, as the increase or lack of thyroid hormone can cause the fall of hair that goes back to normal after treatment faulty thyroid gland.
4 - the use of certain drugs:Such as drugs used to treat cancer (methotrexate methotrexate), and Alakakiralte used to dilute blood (heparin haparin), and drug chloroquine (cloroquine) which is used to treat malaria.
5 - increase male hormone (testosterone, testosterone) that causes hair loss and the large head and body hair such as what is happening in Almtkis ovarian syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome).
6 - Topical incidence of certain infections of the scalp such as fungal infections that cause hair loss in the pubic area.
7 - can be a hair loss a presentation of some diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus(Lupus erythematousis).
8 - abuse or chemical hair dyes frequently use heat drying, or increase the tension during the development of hair rollers that are used by the hairdressing, hair or rubbing vigorously during drying.
9 - frequent exposure to hair conditioner, sun and dust.
10 - wash your hair frequently with salt water or hardship or genitive chlorine.
Second: permanent hair loss (baldness):
Often gets baldness in men and this is the impact of male hormones, and starts after reaching adulthood, and can say that some women lose hair as they progress in life is to complete baldness due to male hormones does not affect women only rarely.The baldness can occur because of an injured hair follicles Alagafatrip either inflammation or bacterial infection or by burning the hair dryer air, if not avoid the problem early and infection led to the formation of scars in the affected follicles.It should be noted that baldness can occur in some rare cases due to poor immunity and self can be a balding limited in small areas or to cover the scalp are sometimes extends baldness to include felt the whole body and this condition is called alopecia full (alopecia totalis).Cause the hot oil treatment, hair follicles and infection can occur and the harm that lead to permanent baldness in the affected areas, therefore, has to be cautious during treatment with oil or oil pools during the work.
Hair loss treatment varies depending on the causative factors, if the cause is malnutrition, anemia can be treated precipitation to good nutrition and iron pills, but if the reason was the disruption of thyroid hormone could be back to normal hair that corrects the flaw.If either hair loss due to inflammation localized to be the appropriate use of antibiotics and then is cured with the permission of God.For hair loss caused by the use of certain drugs, the precipitation is gradually stopped after the arrest of treatment, although it was necessary to use drugs may be replaced with another, with fewer side effects.If the hair loss due to increased male hormones they must treat the problem causing the increase in the secretion of hormones, in the case of the impossibility of treatment can be the use of certain topical medications that stimulate hair follicles and increase their growth, such as minoxidil (menoxidil).In the case of permanent baldness, there is no medicine to bring life to the defective bulb, but can be resolved problem by changing the shape or hairstyle Btjaidh to hide the affected area, and in severe cases can make a hair transplant which has proven successful in multiple centers around the world.
Alternative Medicine (mixes and tips for strengthening hair and treat baldness and prevent hair loss and install it):
Public health care, where it has a direct impact on the safety of hair or hair loss, roots of the hair and Besellath depend on what gets your body of food, so it is necessary to contain your food on the basic elements of food, the most important proteins that are available in meat, eggs, beans and dairy products, vitamins, minerals and salts which are abundant in vegetables like spinach, carrots, cabbage, leafy vegetables and fresh fruit.Ahard to massage the scalp every day in the early morning, or before engaging in the business, the goal is to stimulate blood circulation to the scalp with a view to maintaining the health of land in which they live poetry, and must be massage fingers that it covers the entire head, preferably the use of some vitamins nutrients or lotions for hair, and can be used during the massage Bulsion hair, and for dry hair after work would prefer an oil bath towel wrapped hair after a warm bath to increase blood circulation.Avoid chemical products such as hair dyes and hair creams individual, as well as hot air dryers (Alscoar) and others.
A. Hair normal: take into account the shampoo normal twice a week during the winter and 3 times a week during the summer, with the need to use soap, shampoo, a little alkali to preserve it from droughts, with hair once a week using some vegetable oils such as olive oil or aloe plant to ensure freshness and vitality of hair.B. Greasy hair: It is preferable washing greasy hair three times a week with shampoo that contains lemon or white (even finds hair of excess fat).Tel. Dry hair: it sufficient to wash dry hair once a week using shampoo containing the oil or Allanonin, preferably castor oil bath work a week.
According to the use of certain plants (such as chamomile flowers, seeds, peanut) with olive and cactus plants, as well as plant the seeds of the islands in the strengthening of the hair and prevent the fall.According to massage the scalp with the juice of onions for the treatment of hair loss as well as useful in removing stains and freckles the face when heated and soaked in vinegar and then it lets you face.According to the following address for a period of 3 months:
On the first day: Take a package arugula, On the second day the fruit of Islands is peeled, on the third day the fruit of choice Bakecrha, On the fourth day repeat the same monotonous over 3 months, and in the fourth month running a mixture of equal proportions of each of sweet almond oil and oil Kheruag oil Olive to massage the scalp with water drops when you massage it once before going to sleep every night (and can use this mixture of eyelashes and eyebrows as well) and then combing the hair comb and wide eyes, in the fifth month painted hair once or twice a week with a mixture of oils mentioned above, as could use a few drops of it to paint worked to tighten the skin and nail polish and increases the thickness and density of eyelashes.
Action mixture consisting of garlic raw or garlic oil (which is the strongest because the center) with the bone beef with juice or oil, onions, and Tkt these components and then squeeze in Mpharq hair and then subjected to steam until opening the pores and to a quarter of an hour and repeat this process every week.Fat fingertips of the hands of oil seeds, fresh watercress and painted to the areas free of hair and areas to be absorbed by the germination until the scalp, to repeat it 3 times a day, do not wash your hair only once a week, and Bamadaomp for two months.According to the use of henna in hair nutrition, they are the best and oldest form of natural dye, which feed the hair texture and provide him with Hariri as granted by the natural beauty and protect the limbs of embrittlement.Stay away from any sources of concern psychological, and not to suppress feelings of anger or frustration or oppression or grief, but to expedite the discharge so as not to accumulate internally, and here comes the exercise such as walking, and the meetings of the frankness and openness with their closest loved ones as a remedy fast to psychological pressures, and thus of public health.According to blending 50 grams of juice, watercress with the amount of 50 grams of Sbrto (alcohol) with a little paper flower roses, and massage the scalp every day for a month to prevent hair loss, as has the use of oil Watercress with pill vitamin "B" boat + CD Iron for 3 days while the use of oil, watercress.Wash your hair Bmenkua Thyme strengthens hair and prevents the fall.According to medical Gdhavp castor oil to shampoo to wash their hair to increase the sparkle and shine and to prevent falling or brittleness.For the treatment of female baldness is useful address solution of 2% MINOXIDIL articleMixing castor oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil and applied to the hair.Mix onion juice, watercress juice, olive oil and cumin powder and uses the painter.According to the boiled peel garlic and mix with olive oil and applied to the hair.Mix onion juice with the juice of watercress evenly with a little alcohol dissolved Vij juice, garlic and painted the hair.Boiling patience in the olive oil and applied to the hair.Grinding paper dried figs and add the hot olive oil with a little rose water and rub their scalp once daily.Mixing equal Mekdaran of watercress juice and pure alcohol with a little rose water and rub their scalp once daily.Action mixture of 10 grams {Vaseline oil +25 g castor oil + 5 grams pine fragrance oil +75 g alcohol White + 3 g} violet perfume and massage this mix the hair and roots.Action mixture of {5 grams ammonia +15 g Perfume Alterpntina +100 grams alcohol Eafor} and massage are the roots of the hair.According to rub radish juice.According to rub watercress juice with rose oil.Eat onions with meals.Eat lupine or the use of boiled water wash.

The best ways to treat hoarseness

Treatment of hoarseness - the best ways to treat hoarseness

Home treatment for hoarseness caused by inflammation of the throat or false drinks safe

1 - drink cinnamon and mint:

Boil cinnamon and mint their papers or in the water, then drain and drink the cup of morning and evening cup.

2 - grape juice:

Drink natural juice in the morning before eating.

3 - drink milk, honey and butter:

Boil one teaspoon of milk in a cup of water, then add honey to sweeten natural and add one tablespoon butter to enhance its effectiveness, and drink a cup of morning and evening cup.

4 - natural lemon juice drink:

It is considered one of the most effective in the treatment of beverages such cases.

5 - Gargle cabbage local honey:

Cut cabbage leaves are then multiplied in a blender with a little water and then filtered and shown honey and throats of the mouth.


Galangal is a small herbaceous plant Muammar height of up to about two meters has large leaves, with white flowers and red, is characterized by small Galangal smell fresh and spicy taste.
There are of Galangal several species such as Galangal small or what is known Balaini and Galangal white and Galangal big or red, and there are other types used only for decoration to the beauty of flowers and the sustainability of green, some of these species used to make writing paper and others are eaten legs or cook.
Galangal and small, known scientifically as Alpinia officinarum Alzenjpelep zingiberaceae of the platoon is the type medical.
Part of the plant used by Jmamirh Rhizomes somewhat similar to the plant crowns Saad, a reddish-colored sheaths pale and covered with a large scar tissue left on the rhizomes when it crashed and aromatic rhizomes.
Original home of the Julngan: the origin of Galangal grassy areas in southern China and Southeast Asia in general and cultivated at the moment as a spice and medicine in many parts of tropical Asia and cultivated normally dividing rhizomes and re-planted in the spring, and collected only after 4 to 6 years from the date of planting vegetation, and use Galangal fresh or dried.
Chemical content: Galangal rhizomes contain little oil on the pilot by 1-5? It contains oil on Alfabeinin and cineol and camphor and Inanool and Snmat instance, also contains Galangal on lactones unilateral mid-term, such as turbines and Galnjul Galngen.
What has been said about Galangal in the small ancient medicine?
Galangal Arabs used since ancient times where she was fed by Jiadha to increase heat and boil with milk drink against cold and cough and can afford to strengthen.
Ibn Sina: essence: the sector of twisted red and black sharp taste has a good smell is light weight would come from the country of China., "Said Masarjouih: Khosrodaro is given. Acts and properties: the Spectrum Analyzer to the wind. Ornamental: It gives the flavor. members of the food: good for the stomach for food digester. members of the Jerk: benefit and the pain of colic and helps with the overall Beh and suit the weight of cinnamon cloves.
He told David of Antioch for Galangal «hot dry strength to remain for seven years, analyzes the wind and open the pores and appetite and digests and analyzes the joints, sciatica pain and the fetus and the back and drink it with milk, especially milk sheep restores the power of youth.
Galangal to enter Europe in the nineteenth century and considered disposed of German Hildegard Hildegard of Bingen as a spice of life that God has granted us to pay them the disease.
Have been used in Chinese medicine from hundreds of years, where they use to warm the body and against the abdominal pain, vomiting and hiccups as well as for diarrhea caused by the cold procedure. Usually, when used by the Chinese against the hiccups they Ikhaltonh Alcardhan with mushroom and fir.
In India and South-West Asia is considered small Galangal nourishing and restorative of the stomach and anti-inflammatory and nourishing and restorative Makeca and nervous, is used in the treatment of hiccups and satiety, abdominal pain, arthritis, and intermittent fever.
In Herbal Medicine Western may enter Galangal small to Europe by Arab doctors in more than p 1000 years, and is used there mainly repellent to the wind and indigestion, vomiting and stomach pain and Ktlatif sores oral painful inflammation of the gums as well as for the treatment of seasickness.
What did he talk about medicine Galangal small?
Research has shown the Chinese Galangal antibacterial, where the show actually that Galangal small an effect counter to the number of bacteria, including anthrax (anthrax), as has been proved effective against fungus, where it refers to research published in 1988 to that Galangal small is very effective against Candida albicans In Russia came from Galangal a medicinal product under the name of a drink Nastoika used to heat the body.
Galangal has been shown to have little impact tonic for the digestive system and the heated gas and repellent and anti-vomiting and therapeutic dose from Galangal small, ranging between 0.5 to 1,5 grams per day.
And the treatment of indigestion and get rid of stomach gas Galangal powder is used by taking small to fill a teaspoon of powder and added to the stump to fill a cup of boiling water and leave for ten minutes, then drain and drink at a rate of once per day. You can also use Galangal powder inhalation by adding it to hot water and inhale steam to ease the severity of colds and cold. Quoting newspaper Monday, 1 Shaban 1426 - September 5, 2005 - Issue 13 587
To strengthen the body and can afford to and control of diseases and to avoid fatigue and lethargy:
What, if any stimulus for the body, such as ginger local honey, jam and eat the honey with pistachios and Galangal
David says in Antioch (ticket): "the great secret." Toothpaste strengthens the body, handles Oblivion, and opens the gifted brain, and rejoices the soul and Inashha.
Vehicle: 100 grams ginger +100 g +50 g ground peanuts ground Julngan +50 grams ground black seeds + honey bee.
Cooked honey over low heat and tend Rgute, then add the things the former and the volatility of a good complexity even sweets, and packaged in glass jars, and eaten from a spoon after breakfast, after dinner and one teaspoon a day and you will see, God willing, "How wonderful.
Means asking, "said Ginger Galangal is the same as or differ from each other and what are their benefits? Where are they getting?.
- Liquid brother .. Galangal, ginger, green or green Aljavin differ completely, even if they share some things in the example of the genus Galangal Ginger is different from that where sex is the Alpina Galangal Ginger zingebel while sex, but they belong to one family is the platoon Alzenjpelep .. Both rhizomes Rhizome and roots are not .. Contains Galangal the volatile oil with resin, a stimulant of the stomach and digestion, repelling winds while Ginger contains volatile oil with Article Randjip It is used to expand blood vessels and sweating and feeling warm and soften the heat and made into jam useful in respiratory diseases and is one of the spices, while not considered Kunjan of spices . Is obtained from the Attarine


Ammi municipal or medical and Ammi Ammi visnaga diabolical known as Ammi majus, both of one species. As they Nbatan Shabian Holian and famous Arab Republic of Egypt and these plants were grown commercially in the municipal and Ammi called Balkhalp medical effects of the expanded ureter kidney stones come out. As it expands blood vessels and the airways and be used against angina and asthma.
And there are product on the market known as Jelin is used for this purpose. The close friendship Satanic contains a two-vehicle contrary to the trait of medical and used widely for the treatment of leprosy and by much research in this area and both types are sold in shops Attar
Ammi Medical is a herbaceous plant around me does not exceed a height of 50 cm has the fruits of the vehicle, and his native North Africa and the Middle East and the country's Mediterranean and is cultivated in Australia and South America contains the plant Ammi Municipal Jelin by 1% Vznagen and Akhlul Gelokoside and volatile oil by 2.0 % and flavonoids and Sterolat, I have used plant close friendship of several centuries in order to reduce the pain of renal colic and out kidney stones through its effect on the expansion of the ureter, and this is the plant from plants constitutional in most of the constitutions of the global pharmaceutical and the most important effects that anti-shrinkage and anti-asthma and calming.
We have had researchers Egyptians in the Department of Pharmacology do research on my boat Alkhlin and Alveznagen on pulmonary and coronary vessels in the heart and the urinary tract and found that these compounds affect a distinct expansion of the airways as well as the coronary vessels and the expansion of the ureter and is Alkhlin of asthma medications known and considered Ammi treatment popularly in Egypt against the kidney stone has been mentioned to use and log on papyrus of the term of 1500 years BC and still in use from that time to this day and is one of the most successful recipes to get kidney stones, and in Spain is the close friendship of the most materials used to clean teeth and cleaned. Should not be used before the close friendship of the patients who use blood thinners or expanders blood vessels only after consulting a specialist doctor.
Ammi means asking about the usefulness of close friendship in the treatment of kidney and urinary tract, and whether it harms or side effects on other diseases such as diabetes, pressure, etc.? .. The fruits of Ammi medical based on expanding the ureter and out of kidney stones on this path, but must not be understood that the close friendship is a cure for kidney disease are only out the stones, and there is the trait collateral damage, but the patients who use anti-angina, non-use of close friendship, as far as sugar and pressure, there is no conflict.
(Ammi) *
Mr. Mohammed Khalifa civil Mecca asking about how to tell Ammi municipal and how to use them, for example, water is heated or eaten?
Is found at the spice dealers and if you want to buy the original type, you can request from Sheikh Attarine Arab Republic of Egypt, where is the best one sells and the reason that there is another type known Balkhalp Satanism is very close in form of close friendship Municipal Either way the use of close friendship they fill one teaspoon of powder Ammi municipal and boil fill a glass with water for ten minutes and then cooled and filtered and drink twice a day before eating for a week.
Knight: Alokhalp - sowing Ammi - Ammi Visnaga
Ammi plant belongs to the family Aljimp, which grows wild in the land of neglected and vulnerable, and leg swell the list of contract spaced and composed many sections, the solid green lines are smooth and clear, and the flowers, tent assembly.
Ammi municipal or medical Ammi visnaga
Ammi Medical is a herbaceous plant around me does not exceed a height of 50 cm has the fruits of the vehicle, and his native North Africa and the Middle East and the country's Mediterranean and is cultivated in Australia and South America contains the plant Ammi Municipal Jelin by 1% Vznagen and Akhlul Gelokoside and volatile oil by 2.0 % and flavonoids and Sterolat, I have used plant close friendship of several centuries in order to reduce the pain of renal colic and out kidney stones through its effect on the expansion of the ureter, and this is the plant from plants constitutional in most of the constitutions of the global pharmaceutical and the most important effects that anti-shrinkage and anti-asthma and calming.
Plant Ammi (Visnage) there Ammi Municipal (Ammi Visnaga) and Ammi satanic (Ammi Majus), Valkhalp municipal contains material Alkhlin (Khellin) that reduce the contractions of muscles of the ureter and help Artkhaiha Vetosah thereby preventing friction walls Balhsop in it "leads breadth of the ureter to the passage of small-sized kidney stone to the bladder, in addition to the boiling Ammi municipal uses as a diuretic (Diuretic) As for the close friendship is satanic: it contains a substance Alkhlin but contains a substance Omoiden (Ammoidin) that are used in the treatment of vitiligo (Leucodermia).
Those are the vegetables were in fact two different types of the same sex, it is difficult for ordinary people to differentiate between them stemmed from the similarity errors affect health.
* The active substance in the composition of the substance "Alkhlin" also contains ethylene and Veznagen Akhlul.
* Native basin and the Nile Valley, and is cultivated in Algeria and Morocco and Lebanon.
* Ammi seeds used to treat angina, heart attacks, pain relief and hepatic alkaline.
* The making of Ammi newly extracts useful in diuresis and lithotripsy, which is found in pharmacies in the form of vehicles.
* Ammi seeds contain essential oils; must move away from boiling water and sufficient drinking Menkuaha.
And there was a "close friendship is satanic," which are similar to regular Ammi, medical research has demonstrated its effectiveness in the treatment of vitiligo handling seed powder with exposure to the sun an hour or two a day.
Ammi Municipal:Ammi fruits grow in the tropics and has many uses, including:- Helps to relax all types of smooth muscle in all parts of the body, including heart muscle, lung, kidney, intestine, ureter, gall bladder and arteries, so it is used in the reduction of asthma popular and as an antidote to colic and renal bile and inflammation of the ureter is also used to ease intestinal disorders.- Drenched close friendship helps to get rid of kidney stones as it is a strong antiseptic for urinary tract.- Extended strong for coronary artery to prevent the disease from angina pectoris and heart stroke.- Used on the subject of close friendship boiled honey and Nigella sativa oil in the treatment of diseases (cancer of the skin, hair loss, fungal, vitiligo, psoriasis, skin)

the Cactus

A genus of desert plants of the kinds of herbal species irrigated with sewage water or long-lived tree,

And many kinds of cacti, including: regular cactus, cactus and the African, Asian and cactus ..

Installed and medical benefits and uses:

Cactus contains 12.8% of sugar and acids, apple pectin and tannin

And the 1% of the protein, and contains calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and C ...

Use the juice leaves of the plants of the cactus in the treatment of various liver diseases and eye diseases ..

Also used in fresh paint skin skin burning from direct sunlight during Altsiev

On the shores of the Sea to ease the pain of treatment, is also used in helping to speed the healing of wounds

Different treatment of certain skin diseases, and use of women in skin hydration and smoothness of the face and extremities

Different, and may address the juice of fresh leaves to prevent diarrhea caused by Tatymstkhals senna or senna

In the treatment of chronic constipation ...

Recently, possible separation of vehicles Alglecosidesp of cactus leaves, which interventionist in the constituents of preparations

To various cosmetic skin hydration and smoothness of the skin, and helps speed the healing of wounds and the removal of pimples

Swollen in the face, and proved that Article Aliimodin located in Cactus have effective inhibitor of certain types of tumors

Cancer and skin ... ...

Herb cypress

Cypress evergreen tree reaches a height of 30 meters of dark green leaves minute male and female cones, a slow growth.
Plant known scientific name Cupressus sempervirens
And parts of the plant used cones and twigs and essential oil.
Original home of the cypress:
And his native Turkey and frequently in temperate climates, especially in Egypt in the Sinai Peninsula around the Monastery of St. Kavtrin and the Delta region. It is also now cultivated in all countries of the Mediterranean basin.
The chemical components:
Twigs contain the volatile oil and includes Albainin Alcamvin and Alsiderol and cones contain acid tannins.
What did he say about ancient medicine?
The Greeks used the cones mashed and soaked in alcohol for the treatment of dysentery, coughing and spitting blood, asthma and cough.
The scientists found some of the wood of this plant family from the reign of the sixth and twelfth dynasty in ancient Egypt. Are incised trees Aserually the external walls of the temple of Ramses III at Karnak, where the plant sacred and cypress trees still grow in the Arab Republic of Egypt, called Christians on this type of plant, "sad tree" focused sadness and decoration of the graves. He knew the Pharaohs two types of cypress is called the first and second c.sempervinens taxus baccata is believed that the ship Prophet Noah was made of cypress wood.
The Pharaohs used leaf cypress in the several purposes of the most important and ancient Pharaonic described hair dye and was used after crushing plant roots and Jnha vinegar and then placed on the hair of the head in the form of spray to invigorate and Bbagth.
And Ibn Sina in Cypress "go vitiligo, blackish hair.
Paper with fresh walnuts and sycamores ligature of the hernia, if done, if it may cypress nuts with chopped figs and make him a fuse in the nose healed meat overload. Cooking vinegar lives toothache, tumors of useful eye dressings, nut drink of breathlessness and lack of erection and for the benefit of chronic cough, dysuria, and intestinal ulcers and stomach. "
But David of Antioch in his ticket, said: "gumma welded surgeon and trap blood never dries and sores where they are, analyze and demonstrate the effects of tumors, especially Barhi Talaoua and drink. Gargle warm Btbejh live toothaches and gum sores and pull Rkhautea. Soft fruit draws the eyelids and welded hernia meat and dressings. Expels odors, vermin, if kneading and licking honey healed chronic cough and the forces of the stomach. Gumma cut hemorrhoids. If cooking sheet with Phyllanthus fruit with water and vinegar until Ithry then cook it in fat and plating Souda and the hair length and prevent hair loss. With the bitter fit the bladder and prevent urine in bed. "
The Ibn Al-Bitar at the University says "paper of this plant and his branches and nut as long as the soft soft wilt surgery adult episode in solids, is also used in healing Ember Vijtaiwnh either with barley and water or vinegar mixed with broken water mixture. If drinking and paper powder paint and a little bit of bitter benefit bladder draining into them curiosity and dysuria. "
What did he say about modern medicine?
- Modern medicine says that when he placed externally cypress lotion or essential oil occurs Tqda for varicose veins and hemorrhoids and narrows blood vessels. And uses the whirlpool of the cones of the feet to be cleaned and anti-hyperhidrosis, and when taken internally works cypress anti-spasm and nourishing and restorative years and prescribed for whooping cough and spitting blood and coughing spastic According to this treatment and also Alanfolenza colds and sore throats.
Prepared from the powder and paper dose of up to 4 grams for the treatment of chest pain and cough, it will also attend the cast of which is used between 20 to 40 points.
Cypress, gum welded wounds well and stop the bleeding.
Is there damage to cypress?
- Yes, do not take essential oil internally at all

Herb ace

Ace plant a small evergreen shrubs often grow in humid and shady places. The plant branches bear leaves many close Leather textures with aromatic scent. Branches bearing white flowers in colors to pink and has the fruits of black pulp eaten at maturity and become one of the dried spices. A plant evergreen tree breeding and seed the mind known by other names such as Hmpelas, Mersin, basil and basil, but not known to us.
To Las several popular names is defined Balfronip on behalf of Khet AS and this means "basil graves" and is known in Greek as "Omuser" and Latin "sociable" and Persian "Marzbaj", Syriac "Hoosen," and Hebrew "Akhmam" and Arab "basil" In Egypt, "Mersin" In the Levant " Gardener, "and" Stop and See ", and the wild type in Greek" Mercy Ogharba "In Yemen," Hades "and Hlmos The reason for the Ahmam.
And scientifically known as Myrtus Communis
User part: it leaves, seeds, flowers and roots of any plant, as well as a full essential oil.
The chemical content of the plant Ace: Ace contains essential oils, the most important Alsceniol, Algabeinin, Martinol and limonene, and geraniol and Alvatrbinol and Maertol and also contains materials Afsip.
The future benefits will be well placed and appetizing and the clutch and hardener and definitive bleeding and antiseptic for respiratory ducts and bronchi, and is used in the form of boiled and soaked powder, either damaging it has no damage.
Why did the ancients for the ace?
He knew the Pharaohs ace where it is a plant of ancient Egyptian painted branches on the walls of Pharaonic tombs in the hands of the dancers, as scientists have found branches of the plant in some Pharaonic tombs in Fayoum and Hawara, has been known to the Greeks and Romans ace and the Greeks symbolize him to the glories and victories. And has received Baltazim. And was used in concerts and synagogues, religious and Muslims continue to use branches of myrtle in some countries to decorate the graves of the dead, especially in the holidays and seasons, and put the land with eucalyptus leaves in the grave.
The plant came within an ace of many of the prescriptions in the ancient Egyptian papyri for the treatment of epilepsy and inflammation of the bladder and the organization of the urine and the removal of lower abdominal pain in the form of oral dosage.
As well as painter for the treatment of lower back pain and against the red abdomen, headache, cough and increase hair growth and inflammation of the uterus, and the use of oil extracted from the plant operations in massage for obesity.
He said Abu Bakr al-Razi for Ace to remove tumors warm places, such as putting the infected red-ace oil and then placed above a piece of wool and connects.
Ibn Sina said:
S: essence: Wallace is known and when the bitterness with Afosp and sweeter and cooler Afosth and his bank the most powerful and imposing his bank drink gall and the essence of land and the essence of a nice walk and his bank is something on his leg in the box: the mouths of which hit the black, especially Alkhosrvani round paper does not Association of particular mountain.
The finest white flower and the essence of the paper.
Fruit juice and the highest quality and if Atguet Asarth weakened and Takerjt must pinch.
Copyright: the temperature nice and cold and often upon taking possession of more than push and push to be like in the first and second Ibsa within.
Actions and properties: confined diarrhea and race and all the bleeding and all Ceylon to the member and if you rub it in the bathroom forces of the body and dry moisture under the skin and embrocation Tbejh on bone speed up compensation and Hracth instead of zinc in the perfumed scent of the body, a benefit of all hemorrhage Tokha and dressings and drink as well as his Lord and Lord of fruit.
The grip is stronger than cooled and nutrition are few and not in the drinks that make sense and benefit of lung pain and coughing is drink.
Ornamental: fat and Asarth and Tbejh strengthens the roots of the hair and prevents the precipitation and Aitilh and prevails and especially his love and his love cooking in butter prevents abrasion Isdlh race and ethnicity.
The paper prevents dry armpits and bromidrosis Amoabn and ashes instead of zinc and purifies the freckles and Galloway vitiligo.
Tumors and warts: live tumors warm and red and the Ant and blisters and sores, and was on the hands and the burning fire with oil, as well as drink and paper heal him after Tkhbays oil and wine, as well as fat and ointments made from fat and to benefit the dry weight if Dhar on paronychia, as well as Alkirouti taken from him.
If cooked too fruit drink and taken dressings acquitted by sores in the hands and feet and the burning fire and prevented him from Altnaft as well as the ashes Balkirouti.
Machinery joints: agree Butmrth cooked dressing drink from the relaxation of the joints.
Members of the Ras: locked and vacated nosebleed lichen and dried sores and ulcers on the head and ear Kihaa if the diameter of one hundred and beneficial drink for relaxation of the gums.
And paper if you drink cooking and bandaged by the housing headaches.
And drink if you drink wine before banning headscarves.
Members of the Eye: Conjunctivitis and live Aljehoz If cooking with barley Soiq Ibra Oramha ashes and enters the medication Al Dhafra.
Members of the self and the chest: Strengthens the heart and goes throbbing and prevent the fruit from coughing Bhlaute belly and unreasonable that the owner was simplified fist and avail of fruit hemoptysis and also in the Lord as well.
Members of the Food: strengthens the stomach, especially love the Lord and prevents the flow of curiosity into the stomach.
Members of the Jerk: fruit juice which is generating the same urine and prevents heartburn heartburn bladder which is good in preventing the passage of menstruation.
One hundred and unreasonable nature and trap bile diarrhea coating and melancholic with the lipid solution pressed Vishlh sputum.
And cooking the fruit of the womb and Ceylon Rtobath benefit Ptdmidh hemorrhoids and benefit from testicular tumor and Tbejh benefit out of crippling and uterus.
Poison: benefit from tarantula muscle, as well as fruit If I drank a drink as well as from Scorpion sting.
"Oil of myrtle and Asarth strengthens hair and prevents hair loss and Aitilh and peaceful .. Paper prevents dry spots under the armpits and between the thighs and purifies the ashes freckles live and tumors and warts and sores. Musharoppe tonic for the heart palpitations and go and cough. "
The Ibn Al-Bitar, said: "Love Ace hot dryer drying strong and H. assets less alone and more pungency and bitterness, and when arrested, a heartbreaking gravel and benefit from liver disease and lives in colic and if cooking vinegar benefit from dental pain.
Antioch, "said David" Ace benefit from headaches and flu at all .. And trap diarrhea and blood as you use and analyze the tumors, race and heartbreaking gravel drink and weakens the hemorrhoids and removes the air of odors. "
What did he say about modern medicine? Studies have shown that experiments on animals for papers ace anti-bacterial effect against inflammation of the glands. It also proved to be an impact in the sleep cycle where over a period of sleep. It also proved that relieves the symptoms of colds and flu. The oil is used ace widely for the treatment of respiratory problems.
In addition to the use of the papers to the cases of dyspepsia, dysuria, colds and inflammation of the urinary tract, and the fruits Vtefid cases of diarrhea and intestinal gas, which is eaten green or dry. As oil is used to cleanse wounds Ace surface and is extracted from the leaves of the myrtle, and flower water distillery called "water angels" and use the sanitizer for the nose.
Liquid or liquid to. P would like to know or would like information on paper and in particular the grief felt for the manual and its usefulness in coloring hair brown or black as well as its usefulness in removing blackened thighs, how it is used in both cases?
- Liquid for. P and sorrow sheet used for many purposes it is locked up and race diarrhea, bleeding, if the rules of engagement by the body when the shower was very nourishing and restorative for the body and activated the Rtobat under the skin. With regard to the hair and strengthens it and feel the peaceful as well as the limits of hair loss and the way that the crushed leaves and wind, such as henna and dye the hair and holding for one hour and then wash with water and shampoo and once a week. With regard to its black thighs burn that leaves sorrow and then take the ashes and kneaded with water and paint it Jehic draft once a day for several days.
* Liquid is asking whether the exponent is Reehan Do I have a recipe to intensify and lengthen hair?
- Ace is not a sister basil, but some people call Reehan They differ Each is a different species and different species but they agree in the fragrance and known scientifically as Myrtus Communis while basil is known scientifically as Ocimum Basilicum and their uses vary. With regard to intensify and lengthen hair and Tsoedh Fallace that is used for that purpose.

Alternative medicine for the treatment of gingivitis

Treatment of gingivitis and mouth blisters alternative medicine:

As a result of bacterial infection or bacteria that enter the mouth may occur gum infections and oral cavity, and the treatment of these infections is recommended the following action: - gargling mouth Pegrgrp cumin, anise and vinegar:

And attend as follows:

Add the amount of powder, cumin, anise vinegar to dilute the composition mix fit for gargling

- gargling the mouth with a solution of salt Talm

- Drink green tea:

Studies have shown that green tea contains polyphenols compounds that work as a disinfectant of the mouth and teeth, it also stops the growth and activity of bacteria in the mouth, causing tooth decay. - Drinking orange and lemon juices:

It has a great impact in healing the wounds and kill microbes.

Alternative medicine for the treatment of dental pain

Lage dental pain alternative medicine Teath Ache:

The toothache of the most pain is the patient, and result from the decay of some teeth or as a result of dislocation of age or pain caused by nerve nourishing her, and Stekin this pain is recommended the following: - Rinsing Bmgli cinnamon (Dar Chinese): it lives in pain rapidly, soak two tablespoons of Cinnamon powder in a cup of boiling water and then drink soaked, and have a drink with cinnamon small amounts at first to perceive the receptivity of the body have, especially when you are pregnant because they show their sensitivity to her and not eating a tablespoon or two tablespoons of syrup with cinnamon before eating or in the morning - clove oil: the carnation importance Great in relief of pain and so it is advisable to drink boiled pink or put a small piece of cotton moistened with oil on the pink place of pain. - cumin vinegar: You can work a combination of powder, cumin, vinegar, and mix Itschdm Kamadamadp, it has an effect to a painkiller. - garlic juice:

Can mash some garlic cloves and take juice, and place it on the topical treatment molars and teeth affected.

Alternative medicine for the treatment of sunburn

Ranging between sunburn and skin redness and swelling and slight pain empyesis serious

Accompanied by minor burns that lead to reddening of the skin itching and slight pain, then appear after several days of cobalt on the surface of the skin.

Burns resulting from excessive exposure to sunlight exposure, especially when shock for a long time, may lead to blisters containing yellow viscous liquid, and when Tnfiqie leave painful exfoliation

May cause burns, severe nausea, chills and high warm more than to hurt the skin

In this case be placed on burns compresses the signal and have a lot of drinking water and juice to prevent dryness

As a result of severe burns injuries metabolic Leather Ketbther lip and skin cancer

For the prevention of sunburn: in order to preserve skin health and vitality, we avoid the UV light that are in full swing from 10 am to 3 pm, and the exposure to the sun gradually let the condition but not later than at the time

Sunburn treatment alternative medicine:

- Cabbage leaves: knock fresh leaves are placed on burns in the form of compresses, disinfectant effective Valmelvov

- Baking Wild: Boil a large handful of the roots of the plant in a liter of water, after it becomes lukewarm Talpk burns

- Allbej Bmoktr peel chamomile tree

Burns in general:

Burns are divided into 3 categories:

- First-degree burns: involve reddening of the skin surface without the stand warts, and this layer of skin replaces a natural layer of new

- Second-degree burns: It is burning the skin and the emergence of pimples and the leakage of fluid from the blood vessel, but the rest of the surface layer of tissue is enough to regain their lost fluids

- Third-degree burns: You may burn the skin of all classes, it can be renewed automatically normal, but the new skin grows on the edge of burnt skin, and in this case must be compensated for what the patient lost fluids

Of treatments targeted in the first degree burns and the second:

- Spraying raw potato mixed with olive oil

- Briers: Soak a handful of flowers in a liter of hot water, for 10 minutes, and then placed on a burning liquid

Treatment of burns, fire or water:

- Burn painted egg whites

- Painted with olive oil

- Blends some flax oil with egg white and applied to the subject of burning a patient

Treatment when burning tongue when dealing with what is hot:

If you tried to burn the tongue sucking cube of ice Mttaip times even a sense of the demise of the burning

And alternative medicine constipation

Constipation is defecation in times far apart and are harmless and non-regular, where the patient de every few days, only once, and the reasons for this type of disease, the magnitude of the colon due to congenital, lack of vitamins especially vitamin (B), taking certain medications such as cough medicines and tablets that contain calcium, bad psychological situation, hemorrhoids, fear of the output and not to defecate on a regular basis, and we should point out that the issue of constipation is linked to several factors, including motor activity, the amount of liquids, food quality, in addition to psychological factors, that all these factors related to the amount of fecal matter and nature, People who eat whole grains, vegetables, fruits and liquids in adequate quantities are far from the problems of constipation, while the two ate food rich in protein, fat and processed grains such as white bread and white sugar often suffer from constipation.
Treatment of constipation
That the best treats disease Chronic constipation is wheat bran by adding one teaspoon of bran to the food covered by the patient, and we recommend that cook wheat and eating and drinking water resulting in a period, or by taking material pollen is working to resolve the problem, especially if the problem is due to the reasons for the lack of vitamins, or psychological factors, in view of its content material pollen from vitamin (B) important for the safety of the nerves, is the pollen intimate friend of the gut, and advise people with constipation eat quantities of fluids and eat vegetables and fruit properly, and are advised to also address the natural grain, especially wheat , is a plant of senna laxatives useful if taking a small amount of it every day, and advise the organization of the process of defecation times of regular

Alternative Medicine and the benefits of green tea

Green tea health benefits green tea made from the best drink ever in terms of health, and benefits:
1 - helps burn fat.
2 - helps to speed up the metabolism; because its anti-oxidant helps the liver to function more effectively.
3 - that drinking green tea three times a day burn 200 extra calories a day.
4 - also found people who drink green tea that energy have been strengthened significantly, and moreover that green tea reduces the level of sugar in the blood, which is responsible for the storage of glucose as fat, and therefore reduce the sugar levels also reduce the level of fat stored in the body.
5 - protects the heart from disease.
6 - reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood; because the effects of anti-oxidant to prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries Ldl.
7 - prevent the formation of abnormal blood clots, and has the same effectiveness of aspirin in this area.
8 - increase the levels of beneficial cholesterol Hdl which helps to remove platelets from the fatty walls of the arteries.
9 - helps in lowering blood pressure.
10 - protects against diabetes.
11 - helps to prevent food poisoning.
12 - Because green tea kill the bacteria, the drink with meals can reduce the risk of bacterial food poisoning, and inhibits the growth of bacteria in the intestines, and help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.
13 - prevents the smell of the mouth.
How to prepare:Put boiling water and cover it and leave it for several minutes, then add the sugar to taste, and you can add lemon
Ok, go ahead and a cup of green tea

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